February 9, 2021

365 words 2 mins read

Hello World

Hello World

A start of the journey of writing blog and teaching fellow coders and anyone trying to learn coding and technical stuff.

This post marks the beginning of this very technical blog, that will not only help and benefit me in improving my technical skills but also to anyone trying to learn a new technology.

I will be writing all my blogs in English and all of the content that I will write is purely my work and available for anyone trying to learn or trying to revise any of the concepts.

I’ll be learning most of the stuff on my own and then writing the tutorial for the same. I hope I will be of help to my fellow mates trying to search of simple and easy solutions or tutorials for a specific topic.

Soon I will be adding a contact page, in which you can send your suggestions for new blog posts or tutorials. You can also reach me out on any of the social media platforms and I will surely revert back to you.

I hope help and contribute in the cause where good education and knowledge is easy to find and accessible to all, regardless of if they can afford it or not.

Let’s begin this blog on a positive note

// This is how we all start coding
console.log('Hello, World!');

Following are the things I will try to make tutorials and step by step guides for anyone trying to learn a new thing:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Data Structures
  • Building Alexa Skills
  • Building Actions On Google
  • Making Chatbots
  • Making cross platform Apps using React-Native
  • Making responsive sites using React.js and Angular
  • Dot Net Code (coming soon)
  • Best Practices for various technologies
  • Technical Blogs

I hope my this small effort will help many grow and also help me grow. Please feel free to contact me for any type of content you want me to add or discuss any problem you are facing I will surely help you out.

Powerful avalanches begin with small shifts. : Pamela McFarland Walsh